This is a page of resources to help you quickly find services, products, and companies that I recommend and/or use myself.

I created this page so that all resources would be in one place and easy to navigate

I would never recommend a product or service that I have not tried out and found to be worthwhile.

Full Disclosure: As an Amazon Affiliate and member of other affiliate programs, I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase anything from links on my website, I may receive some kind of commission. A link to my full disclosure is available at the bottom of the page. I only ever mention products I love and would recommend whether I was being compensated or not. Thank you so much for your support. Disclosure PolicyPrivacy Policy

Craft Resources


The Best Machine for DIY Projects
crafting subscription boxes
JOANN Stores

General Resources

Create a Custom Gift Box
self care gifts


Planner Resources

Franklin Covey – This is the two-page-per-day ring-bound planner that I recommend. They offer a variety of styles and start dates. Start dates of January, April, and July 2018 are currently available on their site. See a full review of their two-page-per-day ring-bound planner here.

FranklinPlannerSimplified Planner by Emily Ley – This is the one-page-per-day spiral-bound planner that I recommend. They offer a variety of covers with start dates in January or August (academic). The 2018 academic year planners will be available for order on Wednesday, May 2, 2018. See a full review of the Simplified Planner here.

Erin Condren Planner – This is the weekly spiral-bound planner that I recommend. This planner comes with a January start day but you can add months to bridge from the current date to January 1.  A full review of this planner is coming soon.

Daily Greatness – These specialized planners are a great add-on to any of the above daily planners.


Home Binder Resources

Home Base Binder by Emily Ley – This is the complete home binder system with linen covered binder that I recommend.




Full Disclosure: As an Amazon Affiliate and member of other affiliate programs, I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase anything from links on my website, I may receive some kind of commission. A link to my full disclosure is available at the bottom of the page. I only ever mention products I love and would recommend whether I was being compensated or not. Thank you so much for your support. Disclosure PolicyPrivacy Policy