A life of balance is very hard to achieve if we don’t spend some time on planning.
I don’t know how many times I’ve heard people say they are too busy to plan. They are constantly on the run and feel that planning time is wasted time. They’re wrong.
If we are constantly moving from one thing to the next without a prioritized plan, we are going to get the urgent things done, but not the important things. The important things are what keep our lives in balance. In addition, if constantly running is our lifestyle, we will eventually burn out.
Ben Franklin once said, “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail.” We need to make planning a regular part of our routine so that we make sure we’re spending our time and energy on the important things.
I discuss all aspects of planning from the choice of the planners we use, to setting goals, and time/task management. I’ll even discuss the pros and cons of various planning systems and review new systems as they’re introduced.
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