Jump-Start Your Morning
I am definitely not a morning person. My brain and body don’t work very well before 10:00. Even then, I need a lot of help to get things going. But caffeine from coffee, tea or coke isn’t the best way to jump-start your morning. Here are some mood-boosting ways that I use to jump-start my day.
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Drink water
I always take a full 24-ounce bottle of water with me when I go to bed. The first thing I do when I wake up is drink most of it. Our bodies are 60-80% water and replacing some of that first thing helps you wake up.
Water relieves fatigue, energizes muscles, improves mood, helps in digestion and constipation, treats headaches, increases energy level and brain function, and flushes out toxins. By drinking water immediately in the morning, I get my body working well.
Think Positive
I keep a small book of affirmations on my nightstand so that I can read one or two first thing in the morning. I’ve found that if I put positive thoughts in my mind early, my day just seems to run more smoothly.
Get moving
Having fibromyalgia means that I usually wake up very sore and stiff. Doing some stretching, low weight lifting, and some easy cardio in the morning helps to get things moving again. But, this is only the start of my fitness routine for the day.
Unfortunately, the fibromyalgia limits the intensity and duration of my exercise. By spreading my exercise out during the day in small sessions, I get the benefits of exercise without worsening the fibromyalgia.
I used to think that you had to exercise for an extended period of time at a high intensity to get any benefits, but I’ve found these short sessions are working.
Eat a Healthy Breakfast
The benefits of eating a healthy breakfast are numerous. A healthy breakfast improves concentration, gives your energy level a jump-start, controls your appetite, and supports weight control. Read Breakfast – The Most Important Meal of the Day for more information on the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast.
Prioritize Your To-Do List
I review my daily task list each evening and create a list of things that need to be done tomorrow. I also move any appointments and information from my monthly calendar to tomorrows daily page. I use a Franklin Covey 2-page-per-day planner (*aff link) that I love.
The first thing I do when I get in my office is to prioritize that list. As a part of the prioritizing, I try to group like tasks together. Then, I use time blocking to plan out my day.
If I don’t take the time to prioritize my list first thing, I usually end up toward the end of the day with lots of things done, just not the things that really needed to be done.
Think Ahead
Doing some tasks, like picking out an outfit and packing your bag, the night before relieves you of the need to spend mental energy on those things in the morning. It also helps you get out the door quickly and easily. Check out For a Great Day, Start the Night Before for other ideas of things that you can do the night before to make your morning run more smoothly.
Having a routine that includes items to help your body and brain “wake up” in the morning will help make your day run much more smoothly.
For other ideas to jump-start your morning routine, check out the other posts in this series:
- For a Great Morning, Start the Night Before
- Breakfast – The Most Important Meal of the Day
- Makeover Your Morning Routine
What does your morning routine look like? Let me know in the comments below or by emailing me at janet@alifeofbalance.com.
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