What is a Life of Balance?
What Is a Life of Balance?
In this challenging time, the definition of A Life of Balance seems to be changing daily for all of us. That doesn’t mean that we have to let things get out of control. We get to decide what we want out of life and how we want balance to look for us. Instead of looking at this time as challenging, look at it as an opportunity to sit and reflect on what we want our life to be. And, then start implementing that vision.
A Life of Balance is a life where you are spending your time, money, and energy doing the things that are important to you. In order to have a balanced life, you have to first decide what you want from your life at each stage. A life of balance isn’t about doing it all. It’s about doing what matters most.
What is a life of balance? I believe that the answer to this question is different for every person. I also believe that the answer changes with the seasons of our life. For a young adult, a life of balance might mean balancing school, a job, and friends. Someone else might answer with the classic: balancing work and family life. A stay-at-home mom might be trying to balance housework, kids, her husband, and personal time. For someone in a later season of life, it could mean balancing the income to maintain the lifestyle they are accustomed to.
Goal Setting and Achieving for a Life of Balance
To begin, start by identifying your goals and creating a plan to accomplish them. This is not always as easy as it sounds. Identifying your goals requires that you seriously look deep at what you want. Before setting goals to help create balance it’s important to look at what’s happening in your life now. Once you have a good picture of what you are currently doing, you can begin to look at where you want to be.
The best way to create goals is to first look at the many roles you play and the many areas you are juggling. Then identify goals in each of the areas that you want to increase or decrease. There are a lot of goal planning books and courses out there to help you with the process of setting your goals. However, remember that you need to identify YOUR goals, not what you or someone else think your goals should be. If you don’t identify what you really want, they won’t lead you to life satisfaction. The only way to feel balance is to be working toward things that you want.
Once you have your goals identified, you need to break them down into actionable tasks. A goal without a plan of action steps to accomplish it is only a wish.
Daily Planning for a Life of Balance
One of the biggest secrets to maintaining a life of balance is the habit of daily planning. A life of balance is very hard to achieve if we don’t spend some time on planning.
I don’t know how many times I’ve heard people say they are too busy to plan. They are constantly on the run and feel that planning time is wasted time. They’re wrong.
If we are constantly moving from one thing to the next without a prioritized plan, we are going to get the urgent things done, but not the important things. The important things are what keep our lives in balance. In addition, if constantly running is our lifestyle, we will eventually burn out.
Ben Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” We need to make planning a regular part of our routine so that we make sure we’re spending our time and energy on the important things.
Good daily planning is a habit that involves goal review, time management and task management. It ensures that you are spending your time and energy on the important things instead of just taking care of the urgent things.
Taking a few minutes each day to plan your time and your tasks will help you keep your life balanced. Daily planning gives you the chance to decide how to create the life you want. Daily planning puts you in charge. Make more choices that move you towards your goals and dreams, and fewer choices that move you in other directions.
Your goals can and will change over time, just as seasons change and end. That means that your definition of balance will also change. That’s normal. As changes come, adjust what you’re doing and go forward down your new path. Always remember that a life of balance is not about doing it all, it’s about doing what matters.
Other posts that might help you in finding your life of balance:
How to Choose the Best Planner for You
Stress Management Tips for a Life of Balance
Perfection and Comparison – Let It Go For a Life of Balance
What do you do to keep your life in balance? Let me know in the comments below or send me at janet@alifeofbalance.com.