Simplification is important to a life of balance. Simplifying our regular routines leaves us with time and energy that we can spend on the most important things in our life.
There are some things that we do over and over in our lives that can’t be skipped. But simplification can make these things take less time over the course of a week or month.
Decluttering our space will reduce the amount of time we spend cleaning because it can be streamlined when there’s less to clean.
Having everyone pick out their clothes the night before makes our morning routine simpler and less stressful. And, heading out of the house on the right foot will impact even more during your day. These posts have more information on how to streamline your morning:
Breakfast – The Most Important Meal of the Day
For a Great Morning, Start the Night Before
Meal planning is another example of simplification freeing up some time. Check out this post with all the details: Meal Planning – A Great Way to Simplify Your Life
Here are some other simplification posts that you might find useful:
Perfection and Comparison – Let It Go for a Life of Balance
Stress Management Tips for a Life of Balance
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