Cultivating a Morning Routine

Take a second and think back to your morning today. What was it like? Peaceful, relaxing, and energizing? Or frantic, scattered, and rushed (you know, the kind of morning where you’re chugging down breakfast and just trying to get the door in one piece)?

If you’re like most people, it was the latter.


Take a second and think back to your morning today. What was it like? Peaceful, relaxing, and energizing? Or frantic, scattered, and rushed? If you’re like most people, it was the latter. How you start off your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day—whether it’s a scattered and frantic tone or one that’s cool, calm, and collected. By spending a few precious minutes in the morning indulging in a some of your favorite things, you can face every day as your best, energetic and joyful self.

“Busy” seems to be the word of choice these days, and it seems like we’re always rushing from task to task, trying to hurry up and move on to the next thing — sometimes without even finishing what we’ve just started.

If you want to be more balanced and productive throughout your day, trust me when I say that the best thing you can do for yourself is to set up a solid morning routine that elevates your mood and has you feeling ready to tackle the day.

How you start off your morning definitely sets the tone for the rest of the day — whether it’s a scattered and frantic tone or one that’s cool, calm, and collected. By spending a few precious minutes in the morning indulging in a some of your favorite things, you can face every day as your best, most energetic and joyful self.

Today, I want to challenge you to spend 10-15 minutes creating a solid morning routine for yourself. It doesn’t have to be crazy long or complicated — just a few quick and simple activities that make you feel great first thing in the morning.

Below, I’ll share:

  • Ideas and activities you may want to include in your morning routine (along with a quick peek into my own routine)
  • Tips to help you make time for a morning routine in your busy schedule
  • Strategies for ensuring you actually stick to your routine long enough for it to become a habit


Activity Ideas for Your Morning Routine

Everyone’s morning routine will look a little bit different, because — of course — everyone has different preferences and lifestyles. The most important thing is to narrow in on the steps and activities that make you feel high-vibe, centered, and aligned as you kick off your day.

For me, this looks like:

  • Setting goals and intentions for the day
  • Repeating positive affirmations
  • Creating a gratitude list
  • Tapping into my intuition with Oracle cards
  • Meditating
  • Visualizing my future self and my dream life

Your morning routine might look completely different than mine, and that’s totally okay. To get your wheels turning, here are a few other activities you might want to incorporate into your new routine:

  • Journalling
  • Exercising
  • Reading
  • Doing something creative (writing, painting, etc.)
  • Going for a walk
  • Listening to music
  • Enjoying your breakfast in peace and quiet
  • Taking a bath instead of a shower
  • Diffusing essential oils
  • Playing with your pets
  • Spending time with your kids
  • Listening to your favorite podcasts or audiobooks

Over the next week or so, play around with different activities from the lists above and note how each activity makes you feel (excited, joyful, anxious, energized, etc.).

The ones that leave you feeling the best are the ones that should make it into your “permanent” routine. I put the word “permanent” in quotations because no morning routine should ever be completely permanent. As you grow and as your needs and wants change, your morning routine should also shift to fulfill your new desires.

How to Make Time for Your Routine

I get it, you’re BUSY (who isn’t?). How can you possibly find an extra 30-60 minutes in the morning for a dedicated routine?

It’s truly as simple as making your morning routine a priority. A non-negotiable. And yes, this might mean walking up a half-hour earlier than normal. It could also mean starting your workday a bit later, if that’s an option for you. You can even try weaving some of your morning routine activities into things that you’re already doing each morning.

For example:

  • Repeating positive affirmations while making your morning cup of coffee.
  • Listening to a podcast on your drive to work.
  • Playing your favorite music while eating breakfast.

Find a way to make your routine work for you, your lifestyle, and your schedule, and be willing to shift things around if needed. And, side note: Your morning routine doesn’t have to take an hour! Mine only takes about 15-20 minutes, and it serves me just fine.

How to Stick to Your New Routine

It can take 30 days or more to cement in a new habit, which is why I recommend sticking to your new routine for at least the next 30 days.

You might benefit from writing down your morning routine and pinning it to your fridge, the bathroom mirror, or the wall in your office (where you’ll see it first thing in the morning and it’ll serve as a reminder).

If you’re a bit Type-A like me, you could also create a “tracker” — on your computer, in a bullet journal, etc. — where you add a checkmark or color in a box every time you successfully complete your morning routine. Do it for 30 days in a row and you get to treat yourself (a spa day, a new outfit, a babysitter to watch the kids while you go out for dinner one night — whatever lights you up!).

So, will you be creating a morning routine?

I hope this post has inspired you to set up a solid routine that you stick to for the next 30 days and beyond! I promise you’ll see so many positive changes in your mind, your energy, and your life when you do.

Check these posts out for some more activity ideas for your morning routine:

6 Things On My Evening Routine That Make the Morning Run Smooth

Breakfast – The Most Important Meal of the Day

Jump-Start Your Morning

What’s your current morning routine like? What activities would you like to start incorporating from now on? Let us know down below!

 Take a second and think back to your morning today. What was it like? Peaceful, relaxing, and energizing? Or frantic, scattered, and rushed? If you’re like most people, it was the latter. How you start off your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day—whether it’s a scattered and frantic tone or one that’s cool, calm, and collected. By spending a few precious minutes in the morning indulging in a some of your favorite things, you can face every day as your best, energetic and joyful self.

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