How can we expect to have a life of balance if chaos surrounds us?
Organization, simply stated, gives everything in our life it’s designated place so that we can easily find things when we need them.
Keeping things in your home, car and office organized makes it easy to find things when they’re needed, without keeping everything out in plain sight.
Physical clutter is also mental clutter. It’s important to organize our things to prevent physical clutter so that we can free our mind to work on the things that are most important to us.
Tips and Tricks for Organizing
We’ll give you organization ideas for various areas of your physical environment. Not all suggestions will work for all people or in all situations. Pick and choose the ones that work for you.
Check out these posts for some ideas.
Home Binder – What is it? and Why do you need one?
DIY Storage/Display Rack for Platters
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